By celebrating International Women’s Day we provide an important opportunity for the whole school community to educate and inspire children about gender equality.
At Arturo Soria School, third, fourth, fifth and sixth graders had the astounding opportunity to meet three inspiring and wonderful women: Lara Jurado, Ana Bragado and Ana Pascual. They came to our school to give motivational speeches and talk about their experiences and their feelings working in an environment where the presence of women is not very common or having professions that are very difficult to achieve.

Lara Jurado is an English teacher who always dreamed of becoming a poet. She pursued her dream and she published a book entitled Escarcha Emocional.

Ana Bragado is an aerospace engineer at Iberia who spoke in English to show the importance of speaking this language. She told us how lucky she feels to have achieved everything she ever wanted.

Ana Pascual is a reporter for RTVE 24h. She gave the students useful tips on how to overcome their shyness when speaking in public and she impressively demonstrated her talent for improvisation.

All of the students were highly motivated and engaged, and they asked interesting questions to the three of them.
Apart from that, scholars also worked on International Women’s Day by doing other kinds of activities: guessing games, writing poems, word searches, oral presentations…