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The Big Challenge 2023

The Big Challenge 2023

El Departamento de Idiomas del Colegio Arturo Soria ha organizado, un año más, la participación de los alumnos de Secundaria en el concurso de lengua y cultura anglosajona The Big Challenge. Nos alegra compartir con vosotros los buenos resultados obtenidos por… Leer más »The Big Challenge 2023



During May, our youngest students are working on Spring time and animals. This is probably the most motivating season for them because it’s full of different colors and joy. Everyday, we check what’s the weather like calling the Sun. It often shows up… Leer más »SPRING TIME!

Language Rotations

Language Rotations

Once a week, we work on English skills through a really motivating session: Language Rotations. From 1st to 6th grade students enjoy this class because they can use their previous knowledge to complete the tasks. They review and extend what we’re… Leer más »Language Rotations

World Book Day 2023

World Book Day 2023

Reading is one of the most important skills we work on at school, from Early Years to 6th Grade. But reading encouragement is more than just choosing a book. If we want children to develop a positive attitude about reading, the first… Leer más »World Book Day 2023

Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny

As every year, Easter Bunny has visited our school. During the week we have been reading stories about him and making fluffy ears. He hid some gifts around the school, chocolate eggs, so we could search for them. Early Years students really… Leer más »Easter Bunny

Goodbye Winter!

Goodbye Winter!

We’ve waved our hands to say goodbye to our great friend Mr Winter in our two years old classroom. We had fun and interesting moments during the coldest season, and we learnt about winter clothing, the weather and snowflakes. Singing and playing is always… Leer más »Goodbye Winter!

Units of inquiry

Units of inquiry

Mayans have been investigating about the importance of water and its effects on living things such as, sea animals, plants and humans. For that reason, each student has planted their own seeds and they will take care of them during… Leer más »Units of inquiry

Where are we?

Where are we?

For the last Unit of Inquiry Where we are in place and time, 4th graders worked on where they are, because they wondered if we can be in different places at the same time. They had a rubric before and during the… Leer más »Where are we?